Book Review title

Identifying and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts
by Dr. Lindsey Garmon
Available from the author at 423 Pinehurst Ave., Portland, TX 78374, telephone 361-643-3085 or e-mail,, 2005, 72 pages, $14.50 (paperback)

Spiritual gifts Many of our readers have expressed appreciation for book reviews of materials that are not highly advertised and yet are of good quality. This book is not primarily an apologetic work, although the question of spiritual gifts is often a challenge that is brought by skeptics of the Bible, and usually reflects their lack of understanding of what spiritual gifts are. Lindsey Garmon has a doctorate of ministry and has worked in local ministry for the 40 years or so that I have known him.

Skeptics and Christians alike have misconceptions about spiritual gifts. Some seem to equate spiritual gifts with miraculous powers that an individual possesses and that elevates one person over another. This workbook explains from a biblical perspective what spiritual gifts are and what they are not — and what ministry is and is not. There are eleven chapters containing biblical studies of the words in the Greek — what they mean and how they are individually applicable to all believers. The fact that some gifts are not necessary or applicable today is explained, but the emphasis is on helping the individual Christian find his or her gifts. There is a ten-page section of the study devoted to helping people find their gifts by a questionnaire and evaluation form. The fact that all Christians have gifts but not the same gift is emphasized. The concept of all of us fitting together to make the body of Christ comes through clearly.

This is a great class study book, but will be helpful for an individual wanting to explore this subject without getting into a modern-day miracle debate. We recommend it highly.

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