Cindy's title
Comments on the Book of the Month

Cindy's pictureWhen John told me he had reviewed Created to Be His Help Meet, I thought it would be interesting to get a wife’s perspective on the book. I think it is a valuable book for any wife to read, whether she is a believer or not. However, if you do not believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, you may have a difficult time accepting the wisdom and soundness the book contains.

What I appreciate most about the book is the unapologetic presentation of God’s view of marriage and the relationship God intends for husband and wife to have. I think it takes spiritual courage to write a book like this, and I commend Debi Pearl for doing it. The world has changed so much since Bible times, and many, if not most wives and mothers have jobs/careers. This makes their roles as wives and mothers much more challenging. Human nature has not changed however, and neither has God or His will for our lives. I believe God’s Word tells us in many places what God expects of married women both in the New Testament and the Old Testament.

God has told us to be in submission to our husbands. Countless books have been written about what that means and does not mean. Debi Pearl’s book addresses the heart of the matter — are we, as wives, in submission to God? Are we seeking and wanting to do God’s will more than our own? Or, do we seek to rationalize our refusal to follow God’s plan for marriage because times have changed or our circumstances are hard or our husband is failing?

This book was not written to address extreme situations in marriage where outside help may be required. Pearl is writing to challenge every wife to look at God’s plan for marriage, and to seriously evaluate whether or not she is living in conformity and harmony with God’s will (not hers or her interpretation of God’s will). God says if we want to know His will and are willing to follow it, we can understand it.

Another thing I appreciate about this book is its emphasis on prayer. No one can understand and do God’s will without prayer — it is impossible. We can know God’s will by reading His Word; but, changing our mind, heart, and actions to conform to His will takes prayer.

This book also contains many practical do’s and don’ts for wives and many real life examples and stories. I highly recommend it.
— Cynthia Clayton

Photo: Patty Gibson

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