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A Worldview Approach to
Science and Scripture
by Carol Hill, Kregel Academic, © 2019,
230 pages, $20.73 (hard cover), ISBN-13: 978-0825446146

Carol Hill, a geologist and professor at the University of New Mexico, has been featured on NOVA and National Geographic's Naked Science program and is a fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation. She has an impressive knowledge of science, the Hebrew language, and the Bible.
If you are looking for a different approach to the science and faith issue, this book has that. It is the culmination of 20 years of work by Dr. Hill and contains numerous pictures and charts. Hill treats the Worldview approach as an alternative to Young-Earth Creationists, Progressive Creationists, Evolutionary Creationists, and those who believe in a historical Adam. She is a firm believer in God, Christ, and the Bible. However, she asserts that the Bible deals with the Jewish history and that other “non-Adamite” and “non-Israelite” people lived on Earth before and after Adam and Eve.
Hill refers to Mesopotamian concepts of numbers and history. The days of Genesis, the Garden of Eden, Noah and the Flood, and Adam and Eve are all topics treated in depth using scientific theories and the meaning of the Hebrew words in the Bible. In addition, she uses an academic treatment of theistic evolution to support the biblical account in a way that explains genetic evidence and anthropological discoveries.
This book deals in great detail with the biblical record and the meaning of Hebrew words. It is a scholarly book that will appeal to academics but will be beyond the educational background of most of us (including your reviewer). Nevertheless, understanding Hill's Worldview approach will be worthwhile because it may be the main view of academics in the future.