What's a Person to Believe?

There are a lot of things that are printed in our news media, talked about on television, and discussed in college classrooms that are controversial. Both those for and against claim to have the truth on these controversies.

For example: Is the unborn baby a person? Does God condone capital punishment? Do sex and violence on television affect the behavior of those who watch it continually?

We could continue the list with many more basic issues of life over which good and bad people disagree. The gridlock over many issues of life has forced many to say that both are right and that it does not make any difference what you believe. Or, we often hear people say, "Everyone has a right to his own opinion!"

Do we? Are there any absolutes in our world? Is truth in every area of life "up for grabs"?

When Paul defended himself before King Agrippa and the Roman Procurator Festus, his words prompted Festus to say, "You are out of your mind, Paul. Your great learning is driving you insane (Acts 26:24)." Paul replied, "What I am saying is true and reasonable (verse 25)."

Science seeks to discover the laws of nature and establish absolutes which help us understand our bodies and the environment in which we live. In many areas our lives depend upon understanding what is true. We seek absolutes in all areas of study. In times past we did this in the study of the Bible, but many today have said that this is impossible, that there are no absolutes in spiritual matters. The end result is that one can believe whatever he chooses. In fact, I heard on the radio the past two weeks ads for a religious group that invited all to come and meet with them to make up a new religion, one of your liking.

Festus was dead wrong about Paul. He was not insane. In fact, he was the only sane one in the whole crowd. All of them should have listened to him. He was right when he said, "What I am saying is true and reasonable." The Greek word, alatheia, is defined as "especially in the context of Christianity as the absolute truth." Where God is concerned, there are absolutes and His revealed truth is that. Truth is further defined, "reality as opposed to mere appearance.' Paul coupled the word "reasonable" with "truth" and it is defined as "rationality, mental soundness, good judgment."

Is there just one God? Is Jesus Christ His Son and Savior of the world? Is the Bible the Word of God? Is there such a thing as sin? Is there heaven and hell?

What if all these are absolute truths and what we each believe makes a difference in eternity for us? Then, we must make the pursuit of truth our life's work. --Harvey Porter, Albuquerque, NM

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