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Dandy Designs. Contains design articles from our publication which show God's wisdom and planning in the creation (vol. 1, 1974 – 1982; vol. 2, 1983 – 1992; vol. 3, 1993 – 2000; vol. 4, 2001 – 2006; vol. 5 [in color], 2007 – 2012). The Dandy Designs volumes 1 – 4 cost $3.00 each, volume 5 costs $4.00, or $15.00 for the set of 5 books.

Evidences of God. Contains articles from DOES GOD EXIST? journals (vol. 1 – 3, 1972 – 1983; vol. 4, 1984 – 1986; vol. 5, 1987 – 1989; vol. 6, 1990 – 1992; vol. 7, 1993 – 1996; vol. 8, 1997 – 2000; vol. 9, 2001 – 2003; vol. 10, 2004 – 2006, volume 10 is comb bound). The Evidences of God books cost $4.00 each or $25.00 for the set of 8 books.

Frequently Asked Questions is a collection of questions that have been asked most frequently during the 39 years that John Clayton has been doing lectureships on university campuses and in town meetings throughout the world. There are 40 questions covering everything from personal questions about Clayton's early life as an atheist to technical questions such as how chaos theory jibes with scripture. Some are biblical questions and some have to do with divergent subjects such as UFOs and ghosts. Cost is $5.00.

God's Revelation in His Rocks and in His Word. A study of the fossils and the Genesis record showing how the two can be harmonized and the conflict resolved. Cost is $1.50.

The Life of Riley — From the Inside Out. The story of John Clayton's 41 years as an inner-city science teacher. He talks about the problems of American public education and gives his suggestions about how to solve them. Cost is $3.00.

Looking Back is a history of how God used John and Phyllis Clayton from the start of their work in 1968 when they desired to help young people with faith problems. It follows their story until May 2008 when Phyllis finished her journey in this life. Cost is $3.00.

The Rational God. In today's world, many are visualizing God as a magician, doing what he does as magic tricks that are without purpose or thought. This book shows much of what God does, even the miracles of Jesus, have purpose and make sense even for our limited minds. Cost is $4.00.

The Source: Eternal Design or Infinite Accident? This is our book designed to provide answers to questions prompted by science about God. The 2011 edition was written on a high-school reading level. Our previous edition (2001) was written on a college-reading level. We still have some of these available. Cost is $6.00 (2001 edition) and $8.00 (2011 edition).

Timothy, My Son and Teacher. A story of the Claytons' experiences in dealing with a damaged and retarded son. Deals with reasonableness of God allowing this to happen. Cost is $3.00.

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