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Paul's Reasoning — Acts 17:2; 18:4, 19

New International Version (NIV)

Acts 17

2 As was his custom, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures,

Acts 18

4 Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.

19 They arrived at Ephesus, where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila. He himself went into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.

From BibleGateway.com: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+17.2&version=NIV;
From BibleGateway.com: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+18.4&version=NIV;
From BibleGateway.com: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+18.19&version=NIV